The New Fat – Antenna virtual tenant profile

Suze at The New Fat featured image

We caught up with some of our tenants, virtual tenants and members to see what they love about Antenna and how they find working in our space.

Suze Moore is Creative Director at design and digital agency The New Fat – have a look at their website to find out more.


What do you/your business do?

The New Fat has been helping business sales teams and marketing departments for over 22 years. We are a one stop shop for brand identity, design for print (big and small) as well as digital marketing. Pretty much a design department that clients can access when required. The team is highly experienced and used to the fast paced and demanding challenges of both working within strict corporate guidelines as well as creating new ones. We are here to chat through ideas, come up with new ones and offer friendly and professional advice throughout.


When did you join Antenna, and why?

We became a member in October 2020 as our previous office was far too big – and with lockdown we quickly settled into home working. Being virtual tenants at Antenna for now is perfect. After the storm of the pandemic we plan to move into an office space, but for now even having a coffee in the communal space would be a real treat!


What do you like about being part of the Antenna community?

It’s exciting for all our staff to be around other companies and creatives. I’m looking forward to taking part in networking events and really shouting our name out – we haven’t done a lot of marketing in the past as all our work has come from referral. We have recently rebranded the company, updated the website and are making a real push on social media and online to reach more potential clients. We have so much to offer and are such a solid team – it’s very exciting for the future.


What are you missing about Antenna during lockdown?

I miss café culture, and working from places like Antenna on my laptop. I’m sure I’m not alone in missing the freedom, buzz and dynamic nature of Nottingham – and everything it has to offer.

I’m sure we will all be back soon.


Find out more about The New Fat and the fantastic work they do – and the services they offer – here.