We’re delighted to tell you that Antenna is now ISO 14001 certified!
ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system. It helps organisations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste.
In October 2022, we received an environmental management audit taking in everything from energy consumption, to our use of resources and current sustainability practices. The visit was a very educational one, particularly from a waste management perspective, and along with our parent companies Confetti Media Group and Nottingham Trent University (NTU), our high level of engagement with sustainability was praised by the auditor, as was the enthusiasm shown by our team members.
As with all systems, an environmental management system is dynamic and commits us to keep on with continual improvement. Steps we have taken so far include:
- We recently joined NTU’s Green Rewards scheme, a programme for NTU staff and students that provides rewards for taking steps which have a positive impact – whether that’s saving energy at work or home, recycling more or taking part in wellbeing activities.
- We’re also starting to make use of Warp It, a resource distribution network where we can exchange our disused furniture and appliances for equipment we need.
- We’ve also signed up to an energy management system called Stark ID, which will help us to identify big savings and reduce our impact on the environment.
Finally, since the current energy crisis and cost of living increases go hand in hand with climate change, we’re working on ways to both reduce our carbon footprint and help Antenna members and tenants feeling the pinch. We’ve started by offering every customer 20p discount on hot drinks every time they use their own mug. Help us do our bit for the planet and save on your hot drinks.
Small changes over time can have a big impact, and we want to hear your ideas. If you have a great idea on how we can improve our environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, please email [email protected]
Stay tuned for more climate action measures from us in 2023 and beyond!
To learn more about our commitment to sustainability and NTU’s world-class environmental management system, check out our Environmental Policy.